Servicenow CAD practice test - 3

 1. Which platform feature can be used to determine the relationships between field in an Import Set table          to field in an existing ServiceNow table?

A. Business Service Management Map

B. Data Sources

C. Transform Map

D. Cl Relationship Builder

2. When configuring an Access Control which has no condition or script, which one of the following               statements is NOT true?

A. table.*will grant access to every field in a record

B. table.None will grant access to every record on the table

C. table.field will grant access to a specific field in a record

D. will grant access to a specific record on the table 

3. Which source control operation is available from BOTH Studio and the Git Repository?

A. Create Branch

B. Apply Remote Changes

C. Stash Local Changes

D. Edit Repository Configurations

4. When creating new application files in a scoped application, cross scope access is turned on by               default in which of the following?

A. REST messages

B. Table

C. Script Include

D. Workflow

5. Which one of the following is true?

A. A UI Policy's Actions execute before the UI Policy's Scripts

B. The execution order for a UI Policy's Scripts and Actions is determined at runtime

C. A UI Policy's Scripts execute before the UI Policy's Actions

D. A UI Policy's Actions and Scripts execute at the same time

6. When evaluating Access Controls, ServiceNow searches and evaluates:

A. Only for matches on the current table

B. Only for matches on the current field

C. From the most specific match to the most generic match

D. From the most generic match to the most specific match

7. Which Report Type(s) can be created by right-clicking on a column header in a table's list?

A. Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, and Line

B. Bar Chart

C. Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Histogram

D. Bar Chart and Pie Chart

8. When working in the Form Designer, configuring the label of a field in a child table changes the             label on which table(s)?

A. base table

B. child table

C. parent table

D. all tables

9. In an Email Notification, which one of the following is NOT true for the Weight field?

A. Only Notifications with the highest weight for the same record and recipients are sent

B. A Weight value of zero means that no email should be sent

C. The Weight value defaults to zero

D. A Weight value of zero means the Notification is always sent when the Notification's When to send         criteria is met

10. Which of the following methods are useful in Access Control scripts?

A. g_user.hasRole() and current.isNewRecord()

B. gs.hasRole() and current.isNewRecord()

C. g_user.hasRole() and current.isNew()

D. gs.hasRole() and current.isNew()


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