Servicenow CAD practice test - 5

 1. Which one of the following is NOT a method used for logging messages in a server side script for a privately- scoped application?

A. gs.log()

B. gs.error()

C. gs.warn()

D. gs.debug()

2. What syntax is used in a Record Producer script to access values from Record Producer form fields?

A. producer.field_name

B. producer.variablename

C. current.variable_name

D. current.field_name

3. Which one of the following is true for a Script Include with a Protection Policy value of Protected?

A. Any user with the protected_edit role can see and edit the Script Include

B. The Protection policy option can only be enabled by a user with the admin role

C. The Protection Policy is applied only if the system property

value is true

D. The Protection Policy is applied only if the application is downloaded from the ServiceNow App             Store

4. Which one of the following is true regarding Application Scope?

A. All applications are automatically part of the Global scope

B. Applications downloaded from 3rd party ServiceNow application developers cannot have naming           conflicts

C. Any developer can edit any application

D. Developers can choose the prefix for a scope's namespace

5. Which objects can be used in Inbound Action scripts?

A. current and previous

B. current and email

C. current and event

D. current and producer

6. Which Application Access configuration field(s) are NOT available if the

Can read configuration field is NOT selected?

A. All access to this table via web services

B. Can create, Can update, and Can delete

C. Can read does not affect the availability of other Application Access fields

D. Allow configuration

7. Which one of the following client-side scripts apply to Record Producers?

A. Catalog Client Scripts and Catalog UI Policies

B. UI Scripts and UI Actions

C. UI Scripts and Record Producer Scripts

D. Client Scripts and UI Policies

8. From the list below, identify one reason an application might NOT be a good

fit with ServiceNow. The application:

A. Needs workflow to manage processes

B. Requires "as-is" use of low-level programming libraries

C. Requires reporting capabilities

D. Uses forms extensively to interact with data

9. Which one of the following is NOT a UI Action type?

A. List choice

B. Form button

C. List banner button

D. Form choice

10. Which one of the following is NOT a purpose of application scoping?

A. Provide a relationship between application artifacts

B. Provide a way of tracking the user who developed an application

C. Provide a namespace (prefix and scope name) to prevent cross application name collisions

D. Provide controls for how scripts from another scope can alter tables in a scoped application

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