ServiceNow Developer Interview Questions - 6

Hello Friends,

Because of your continuous love and support to my blog. I'm again come back to continue the servicenow developer interview series and adding one more my interview experience.

1. Can we call business rule in client script?

2. How to call script include in server side ?

3. Let's say I want to create a problem record when incident ticket is resolved. How we can achieve this.

4. I have requirement if any approvers in system is not respond within 5 business days, then we need to send a reminder mail to the approvers contains "Please take appropriate action". How we can achieve this.

5. Let's assume I want to fetch the report of incident and requested item table in single report. How we can do this.

6. Assume I need to create a button on incident form named "Get Detail" on click of that button I want a popup window where we can see the caller information like their user id, department and manager. How we can achieve this.

7. I have requirement that I want to add one more Priority that is 6-Casual in incident form. How we can do this.

8. Currently if you see in incident form that assignee is populated based upon the selected assignment group. I want to implement same functionality for caller field as well, means based upon the assignment group caller will be populated.

9. How we can add or remove catalog item from order guide.

10. What are script actions.

11. Let's say I have one excel sheet where we have userid (company_name\your_name) and mail id of the user is there. I want that userid and mail to be loaded on sys_user table, but user_id will populate normally in user_id means your company name won't there.

example : In excel user id will be like google\philip.lane3 but in sys_user under userID I want philip.lane3

12. Can we call event in client script. If yes then how.

13. I have a requirement that once I click on UI action a mail be triggered to the intended user but UI action will not visible after clicked. How we can achieve this.

14. There is one requirement that I'll get any update of incident via mail then complete mail should also be attached in the same incident. How we can do that.

Note : This questions are based upon my interview experience , so please share these questions to your friends who are preparing for servicenow developer interview. If you have any suggestion , please feel free to reach out me.

If anyone know the answers please comment, that will helpful.

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