ServiceNow Developer Interview Questions - 1

 Hi Guys,

Recently I have given an interview in a well known MNC company regarding servicenow developer. Here, I'm posting the questions which have faced during interview. If you know the answer, please comment.

1. Which will execute first UI policy or Client script.

2. What is difference between UI policy and data policy. Explain with example.

3. What is dictionary over rides. Explain with example.

4. How to restrict service catalog for particular user location. (assume location : US)

5. Write a script to print incidents number whose priority is 1.

6. How to add a new priority (assume we want to add P7).

7. What happened if we give a write access to a user but not read access in incident table.

8. How to restrict a application menu to particular user.

9. What is the use of coalesce.

10. Can we create a new incident using workflow.

11. What is user Criteria.

12. What is the difference between TOP and Global domain. Explain with example.

13. Can you give some name of module\applications\table which are not domain separated.

14. What are the errors you have faced when you commit update set from test to production instance.

15. What is the best practice when you going to start a new development.

16. Assume A,B and C are 3 customers on servicenow and C wants a access of A but not B. How can you do this.

17. Assume we have 10 customers in servicenow and you have onboarded a new customer and you have to apply a normal change process workflow for all customers. So in which domain you will create this change workflow.

Please comment if you know the answers and keep following me on blog for this types of helpful posts. 


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